The Next Free Masterclass will stream LIVE on: Wednesday, April 2nd
We Are Sharing Our Best, Fundamentally Sound Real Estate Investing Strategies That We Actually Implement Right Here in the Greater Toronto & Golden Horseshoe Areas!
In this FREE 60-minute class, we will let you in on a relatively unknown and little used investing strategy that will help you double your assets, cash flow and wealth every few years. Plus you'll learn how to profit from Real Estate right here in the GTA and Golden Horseshoe without having to rehab and renovate distressed homes.We are more than a real estate investing group, we are a community of action takers.
Dear Real Estate Investor,
Are you struggling to get started? Are you lost in the maze of books, meetings, seminars and boot camps? We were. The sheer volume of real estate investing information can feel like trying to take a sip of water from a fire hose.
Are you doing "okay" with a current rental property or two? Well, who wants to be just "okay"? You didn't start out saying, "Let's start an okay real estate investing business."
Are you doing exceptionally well? Congratulations! And even more reason to attend our upcoming class. Because even the slightest improvement to your investing will be 100% profit. And let's face it, deep down you know you could be doing even more!
Whether you are trying to jump-start your investing, or you are already on your way to becoming a Real Estate Tycoon, we're here to tell you that you can do better. Much better.
We have put together a system that streamlines the real estate investing process.
You see, systems are the key to success. Without them, you are left standing in the dark with no flashlight and no map.
What good is all the real estate information you've read or listened to without a guide to show you the way?
We tried writing "nothing down" offers at a point in time when interest rates were at historic lows. We didn't have a guide to tell us that "nothing down" offers are best used when interest rates are in the teens (think early 1980's).
It was a kind, older gentleman that gave us this insight after turning down our offer on his investment property.
We then realized that we were reading books and trying strategies written and designed for a different time.
You see, when investing in real estate, you should follow proven principles. Principles are universal and don't change.
Things, like buying in fundamentally good areas and focusing on fundamentally good properties, are strategies that stand the test of time.
However, the tactics used to implement these strategies change depending on the market we are in.
No one told us this little critical piece of information.
So a good real estate investing system isn't something that was used 25 years ago.
And a good real estate investing system isn't so full of theory that it can't be implemented.
A real estate investing system needs to combine the time-tested principles of real estate investing with the "on the streets" tactics that work right here in the Greater Toronto and Golden Horseshoe Areas today.
It needs to be taught, shared and tweaked by people actually implementing it.
It needs the support of a community that shares its successes AND its challenges. That's how we all grow, improve, succeed and profit.
The people who attend this class will have the ability to master real estate investing at a new level.
Don't miss this unique experience.
We look forward to meeting you and developing a life-long friendship.