Revealed: The Secrets to Unlocking the Untapped Goldmine of Student Rental Investing – Grab Your FREE Report Now!

Get The Expert-Backed Tips and Hacks to Maximizing Cash Flow from Your Student Rental Properties. Grab your copy of this free report

How To Cash Flow During High-Interest Rate Periods

We went out with Rock Star Coach, Josh Arnett, to get his take on how he's cash flowing in today's high interest rate environment. He breaks down the numbers and strategy sophisticated investors could use to stay cash flow positive in this market.

Could you use an extra $608/month?

In this 2023 Student Rental Property Cash Flow Numbers video, Rock Star investor & team member, Anthony Molinaro, gives a tour of his student rental in St Catharines and breaks down the cash flow numbers on that property.

Inside the Advanced Student Rental Investing Secrets Report

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Choosing the RIGHT property for a student rental

We'll tell you the key things to look out for when buying a student rental...there's more to it than just picking a good location!

Advertising your student rental...beyond Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is a great place for advertising. But there are other ways to get as many students calling you about your ad as possible.

The time-saving trick that got us 80 students lined to see the property!

This hack saved us countless hours over the years and consistently gets us as many as 80 students lining up at the door to see the property!

Having signed leases in hand...within 60 minutes of the first showing!

Nothing is more disheartening than setting up showings, driving to the property & answering questions only to leave empty-handed. These tips will help you make sure you get that signed lease!
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Check out these glowing testimonials from Rock Star Investors

“One thing for sure is that I would have never had the opportunity to be able to move where I wanted to live and be with my family   if it wasn’t for real estate.”
Andre Hart
Limoges, ON
“Sometimes life gives you a kick in the pants. That’s what happened to us. We suddenly found ourselves in a situation where we needed our money to work for us so we would have funds available if we need it. I’m now retired from my corporate life! My husband is also enjoying "semi retirement”, which means he works when and how much he wants thanks to real estate.”
Victoria Masucci
Bradford, ON
“Real estate has helped our family to 'Live Life on Our Terms' which has allowed me the flexibility to run my own consulting business, help our kids, travel the world, and be an active Rotary service club member giving back to our community.”
Dianne Howie
Burlington, ON
"The most positive, motivated, supportive and informed group of doers I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of! If you're thinking now, or have ever thought, that real estate investing is something you want to do then I suggest you look into this talented group of individuals, I did and I'm on my way to living life on my own terms."
Michael Genchi
King City, ON
"Real Estate, for me, is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It is a slow, long-term approach to build wealth. After seeing the power of just one rental, I was hooked."
Mike & Evelyn LaMarsh
Hamilton, ON
“We thank our lucky stars we stumbled on Rock Star every day and   the impact you all have had on us and our lives. We are better for knowing you all in a million different ways. Thanks for all you guys do."
Craig Swirzon
Burlington, ON
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